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Bonner County Republican Women Inc.


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Why Ranked Choice Voting is a Bad Choice for Idaho

As Republicans and conservatives, our commitment to democracy, individual responsibility, and limited government remains unwavering. With the debate around Ranked Choice Voting (RCV) gaining traction in Idaho, it is imperative to critically assess this system and its potential impact on our state's electoral integrity and conservative values.

Why You Should Vote No on Rank Choice Voting (Open Primaries) in Idaho

Rank Choice Voting (RCV), also known as Instant Runoff Voting and sometimes presented as Open Primary, has been proposed as an alternative voting method in various states, including Idaho. While proponents argue that RCV leads to more democratic outcomes and reduces negative campaigning, there are several reasons why Idahoans should vote no on implementing Rank Choice Voting.

RCV Creates Complexity and ConfusionVote Note to Rank Choice

One of the foremost concerns with RCV is its complexity. Traditional voting methods are straightforward: the candidate with the most votes wins. RCV, on the other hand, requires voters to rank candidates in order of preference. This voting method complicates the voting process and increases the likelihood of voter error.

In a state like Idaho, where voter participation and understanding of the electoral process are crucial, adding layers of complexity can disenfranchise voters, particularly those less familiar with the system. This added layer of decision-making can be confusing, particularly for older voters, newcomers, or those less familiar with the voting process.

Studies have shown that voter error rates increase with the complexity of the ballot. In a system where voters must rank multiple candidates, the likelihood of mistakes, such as over-voting (ranking more than one candidate at the same level) or under-voting (not ranking enough candidates), can lead to ballots being discarded. These errors disenfranchise voters and undermine the democratic process.

Erosion of Clear Mandates and Disproportionately Disadvantage Conservative Candidates

Under the traditional voting system, the candidate who wins enjoys a clear mandate from the electorate. RCV dilutes this clarity. A candidate can win without having the majority of first-choice votes, leading to a situation where the elected official lacks robust and direct support from the electorate. This consequence undermines the principle of majority rule and can result in elected officials who do not truly represent the will of the people.

Threat to Conservative Candidates

RCV can disproportionately disadvantage conservative candidates. In a predominantly conservative state like Idaho, the traditional voting system has consistently ensured that conservative voices are adequately represented. RCV, however, will enable more moderate or even liberal candidates to win by accumulating second and third-choice votes. This threatens the conservative stronghold and can lead to the erosion of conservative values in state policies and governance. Democrats and liberals fight for the advantage RCV brings them.

Potential for Manipulation and Strategic Voting

While RCV is designed to reduce negative campaigning and promote more positive electoral environments, it can be used for strategic voting and manipulation. RCV opens the door to strategic voting and manipulation. Voters may be encouraged to rank candidates in a way that does not reflect their true preferences, but rather as a tactic to block a disliked candidate. This distorts the electoral process and can lead to outcomes that do not accurately reflect the electorate's genuine choices. Ensuring the integrity and authenticity of the voting process is paramount, and RCV undermines this principle.

Protect DemocracyAdditionally, in closely contested races, the process of redistributing votes from eliminated candidates can produce unpredictable and sometimes controversial results. Candidates who initially receive the most first-choice votes may lose in later rounds due to the distribution of lower-preference votes. This outcome can be perceived as unfair and undemocratic, leading to decreased trust in the electoral system.

Increased Costs and Administrative Burdens

Implementing RCV requires substantial changes to voting infrastructure, including new voting machines, voter education programs, and increased administrative oversight. These changes come with significant costs, burdening taxpayers and diverting funds from other critical areas. Conservatives advocate for fiscal responsibility and minimal government intervention. RCV contradicts these principles by necessitating an expensive and cumbersome overhaul of our electoral system.

Delayed Election Results

Moreover, counting Rank Choice ballots is more time-consuming and complicated than traditional voting methods. Election results may be delayed as ballots are re-tabulated in multiple rounds to determine the winner. This delay can erode public confidence in the electoral process and lead to frustration among voters and candidates alike.

Limited Evidence of Benefits

Proponents of Rank Choice Voting argue that it leads to more representative outcomes and reduces negative campaigning. However, the evidence supporting these claims is mixed. While some studies suggest marginal improvements in voter satisfaction and candidate behavior, other research indicates that the benefits are overstated.

For instance, a study by the Maine Policy Institute found that RCV did not significantly increase voter turnout or reduce negative campaigning in the state's elections. Similarly, in cities like San Francisco and Minneapolis, where RCV has been implemented, there is little conclusive evidence to suggest that it has led to more effective or satisfactory governance.

Conclusion - Ranked Choice Voting Threatens Conservative Candidates

While proponents of Ranked Choice Voting argue that it promotes fairness and inclusivity, the reality is that it introduces unnecessary complexity, undermines clear mandates, and poses a threat to conservative representation in Idaho. The traditional voting system has served our state well, ensuring that the will of the majority is respected and that elected officials have a clear mandate. As Republicans and conservatives, we must uphold these principles and resist the adoption of RCV in Idaho.

Vote No RCVRank Choice Voting proponents assert it enhances the democratic process, but the potential drawbacks regarding complexity, costs, strategic manipulation, and limited proven benefits suggest that Idaho should avoid these claims. RCV is often promoted as an "Open Primary" movement. This claim is just one more liberal misnomer. Voting no on implementing Rank Choice Voting will help ensure that elections remain accessible, transparent, and fair for all Idahoans. It is crucial to prioritize a system that upholds the integrity of the voting process and maintains public trust in electoral outcomes.

Our focus should remain on promoting electoral integrity, simplicity, and the representation of conservative values. By rejecting RCV, we can continue to uphold the principles that have made Idaho a stronghold of conservative governance and ensure that our state's electoral process remains transparent, straightforward, and reflective of the people's true will. 

              RECENT EVENT

Ruby Ridge Survivor Sara Weaver Honored with Woman of Courage Award by BCRWI

WOC Presentation

Victoria Quinn, President of BCRWI, and Dianne Houts, Vice President, present Sara Weaver with the Woman of Courage Certificate Award and a gift in honor of her journey. While overcoming great tragedy, Sara continues to exemplify courage for others. In the background on the right is a photo of Sara’s mother, Vicki Weaver, who was shot and killed by an FBI agent during the cease at Ruby Ridge. Sara was 16 at the time. Click here: To learn more about Sara’s Weaver journey.

Member Appreciation BBQ



The Bonner County Republican Women, Inc. political organization is dedicated to educating our members and community about local, federal and global issues as they relate to our Constitutional Republic form of government.

Our mission is to see women from all age groups and walks of life as key players at the political table on national, state and local issues. 

As registered Republicans, we share a common set of values. These values include advocating for high-quality education, safe neighborhoods, lower taxes, economic prosperity, well-paying jobs, equal opportunities, a robust national defense, and a streamlined government.

Learn More >>  About Us



Dear Bonner County Republican Women, Inc. Members and Supporters,

I am honored and privileged to address you as the President of the BCRWI. As we stand at the forefront of a new chapter, I am filled with enthusiasm and dedication to lead this organization toward a future that promotes the education of as many people as possible on the perils of the left’s agenda.

Continued >>  A Message From Our President

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An informed voter is a powerful voter.Republican Elephant

Identifying as a conservative is not the same as being a true conservative.

How do you know where candidates stand and which organization is more than conservative in name only?  Here are some tips to help:

Follow the money.

This state site has financial reports of candidates, organizations, and individuals that will tell you where funding comes from.

Don’t fall for the name.

The “Idaho Liberty PAC” spent its donor money on the campaigns of those who opposed the true liberty candidates. “Reclaim Idaho,” a Democratic organization trying to circumvent the people's will via the initiative process. “Take Back Idaho” has attacked the Idaho Freedom Foundation, a true conservative organization (and a good source of information). Idaho 97 supported mandatory vaccinations and masks and opposed the school choice movement. “Defend and Protect Idaho PAC” was created to attack true conservative candidates as “too extreme” and obtained most of its funding from liberals outside of Idaho. North Idaho Voter Services has attacked Bonner County Republican Women Inc, (BCRWI) our President, and other conservatives by label-lynching with the term “right-wing extremists.” They also sent out mailers encouraging cross-over voting during the primaries.

Watch for label-lynching and keywords.

Do they praise moderates and attack those who stand for the Constitution? Do they label lynch with terms such as “right-wing extremist” and “militant Christian fundamentalism” and describe any conservable viewpoint as “hateful rhetoric”?

Find out for yourself.

Attend meetings (school board, county commissioners, city council and other city meetings, library board—any meetings where decisions affect your quality of life and your tax dollars) in person or via zoom. Republican Central Committee meetings are a good way to discover the true conservatives in the county.

It is possible to know where people stand. Watch with whom they align, listen to what they say, watch whom they attack, follow the money, vet everyone, and then use your vote to support true conservatives.


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